Thursday, May 17, 2012

Palenque... More ruined Mayans (or Mayan ruins... you choose)

May 17

After Merida I had a LONG day of riding to arrive at Palenque (about 8 hours).  The town of Palenque itself is nothing special.  My hotel had all the appeal of a run-down, perhaps abandoned, motel on Route 66.  But the purpose here was twofold:  To break up the trip to San Cristobal de las Casas, and to see what are supposed to be the second best Mayan ruins in Mexico.  Since I hadn't stopped at Chichen Itza to see the ruins there (because it was just too damned hot in the middle of the afternoon), Palenque seemed like a reasonable alternative.

As you can see, they are some impressive ruins in their own right:

While they might not quite measure up to Machu Pichu (Incan), Tikal (Mayan), or Teotihuacan (Aztec), Palenque is certainly worth a visit if you're in the neighborhood.

Random Thoughts:  How far do I travel in a day?

People often ask me how far I travel per day, or how many hours a day I travel.  The only answer I can give is: It really varies.  There are a lot of factors: Road conditions, weather, the type of road, and (mainly) my mood.  There are days when I'm on a nice, curvy, interesting road and I just want to keep going all day.  I might ride 6 or 8 hours and it's just not enough.  Other days I might be on a miserable road in  bad weather and I just want to quit, take a shower, and go to bed.  Then there are the days that I just have to get somewhere and there is nowhere to stop in between.  Then I might travel from sun-up to sun down (I ALWAYS try to be off the road before dark).

Keeping in mind that every few days I tend to stop someplace for a few days, I would say that a typical travel day will be a ride of 4 to six hours of actual seat-in-the-saddle time.  Then again, there is seldom a typical day.  And the seat-in-the-saddle can get awfully sore.  That's why there are maseusses!

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