Saturday, May 19, 2012

San Juan de las Casas... the Heart of Chiapas

May 18 - 21

My next stop was San Cristobal de las Casas, a town high in the mountains of Chiapas state.

The ride here from Palenque was interesting:  It was the first time in a long time that I have been COLD!  San Cristobal is located at about 7200 feet above sea level, and I really felt it.  Both in terms of difficulty breathing with any exertion and with the cold.

The town itself is another pretty colonial town, but its setting in the mountains makes it really beautiful, although cold (I did mention the cold, right?). 

Fortunately for me my room in the hostal had a wood burning fireplace.  Unfortunately, they only gave me enough room for about 12 minutes of warmth.

The hostal itself was one of the nicest I've stayed in. My room was large, with a sitting area and fireplace (with minimal fire). Fortunately I got very good at staying warm by sitting and staring at an empty fireplace. A bottle of mezcal was extremely helpful.

Random Thought: People often ask me where I put my bike at night.  The answer is, anywhere I can that's not outside on the street at night.  I've had it in hotel lobbies, entryways, and hallways.  I've had to lift it up stairs and hidden it in closets.  Anywhere safe. 

In San Cristobal we put it in the courtyard of the hostal.  It makes a very interesting conversation piece.

Chiapas is one of the major areas for the indigenous Mayan people.  There are many different communities, and a multitude of Mayan languages.  Unlike the Aztecs or Incas, the Mayans never died out.  However, in Mexico they are among the poorest of the population and this has -- especially in Chiapas -- let to the occasional uprising.

Here are some random photos of the people of San Cristobal de las Casas:

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